Intuitive astrologist at your service
Let astrology and astrological transits help you in matters of love, career, health and well-being, significant events in your life as well as being a tool for understanding yourself, as well as others and how you blend with other energies.
What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?I am very up front about the energy I pick up on and I can be blunt. I am understanding though because we all have moments and I care about advising with encouragement and positivity even when things might not always seem positive.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.Astrology is a tool that has helped me predict future events. I advised a client not to travel at a time when she was wanting to go on holiday, and the day she would have been using a scuba service, there was an accident. Astrology helps with planning future events. It helps avoid the bad time but find the optimal time to plan events
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