Medium Reiki Healer Intuitive Clairvoyant Clairaudient Clairsentient Empath Tarot Numerology
Mind, Body, Spirit Tarot Readings The session include coaching and guidance to help guide our selves to what our soul urges. In a much healthier manner. Guided Reading Sessions Spiritual Enlightenment and Awakenings Consists of beautiful insightful messages on our current journey (path) and bring clarity of the past to break through our way towards our own future. Numeral and Astrological facts and definitions are part. Helps bring together the signs we are seeing in our waking life. Is a pillar of our decision making. Extremely Informative.
What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?A gentle voice/soothing A heart warming comfortability The 100% truth Genuine and Understanding
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I used my abilities when it comes to seeing creatures that someone asked about in their situation I had another reading with someone asked me about a sexually violent scene and I had a vision of it I had another reading with someone asking me how someone REALLY passed and they finally connected the dots I had a couple readings where someone asked about a passed loved one and I said/sound exactly like the loved one I had a reading when someone asked about their past life and the coincidences made sense to them after the fact Etc. So many more!
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I've been aware of a couple since young child. Though after I have matured and experienced this is rolling into my fifth year aware of my abilities. I developed them through alot of shadow work, embracing my solitude, meditating, and speaking positivity.
Describe your areas of expertise.Turning my pain into love and negative to positive. From low to high vibration

I will never want to speak to anyone expect you Brazil! You are no nonsense psychic.. especially who doesn't think to spill all the facts without any filter. You do not cover up anything! just bold truths without filter and looks thoroughly and explains everything in will nevr go in circles like many readers who jut say "personal stuff" you infact, breaks down that stuff? that's all we expect a reader to tell!! and you did it. you fulfil my need of calling a psychic.. I dint get this fulfilment read with anyone.. you are real one here

If you want to experience powerful miracles be grateful and excited for the incoming✨

Self love is mastered when practiced..🌺 Face your self and all of your deep feelings and emotions🖤Happy Valentine's