What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?The consultation services which I provide are wide, varied, and tailored to meet individuals needs. One solution rarely fits everyone, especially when it comes to TIME FRAMES-Time Frames go according to your FREEWILL it can be truncated or elongated it all depends on the parties involved CHOICES AND ACTIONS. I will work with you to help you reclaim a sense of empowerment, peace, and direction in your life.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I use my spirit guides and other spiritual tools in order to give guided answers to pressing situations. The problems of this world--and life on a daily basis--can be overwhelming and sometimes difficult if not impossible to reconcile. It is;t unusual that higher powers and the guidance from my ancestors that are necessary in order to solve these problems. I am Empathic and I have Clairvoyance, I use both of these abilities in order to help others in in a personal and spiritual context. I am also strongly connected with and guided by my intuition. Most men and women will encounter love relationship problems, often more than once. It is quite common for these particular matters to reach deep and cause a lot of emotional upheaval in a persons heart and life. I understand this well, and am here to give counsel and provide fresh and meaningful insight into these sensitive and important issues.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I recognize my gifts every sense i was a child. My great aunt and grandmother are to powerful forces in my life. They help me connect to my ancestors that crossed over as teaching me valuable wisdom. They helped me cultivate and recognize my spiritual gifts and abilities. However at the same time taught me to be humble and use my gifts to help others in need.
Describe your areas of expertise.Coaching in Love and relationship, soulmate connections, twin flames, karmic relationships.

She has the sweetest soul!!!! Love her energy and how she was able to pick so quickly and give some clarity 💕