What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?You can find out real, honest, straight to the point answers. Get clarity, peace of mind and closure. People after getting my readings usually feel uplifted, encouraged and empowered! I will have the answer ready for you, even if you do not know the question.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.In person, in office, over phone, text, email, psychic lines.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?20 years, generational gift.
Describe your areas of expertise.Mediumship, telepathy, tarot cards, clairvoyance, love readings, career, readings, pet readings,

She managed to get both poi incorrectly and tried to correct after I brought information to light.
Visions by Psychic Maria replied:The client asked trick questions, which automatically doesn't give an accurate answer from the spirit guides, I can tell from the moment he called me he wasn't going to be a serious caller but of course I welcome everyone and try hard to connect. He asked about two lesbian women and wanted to know how they feel about him. Only told me they were married to each other when I was done answering how they feel about him, gave him the true answers. Doesn't make too much sense.

she is a bit inflexible when you point out that she is picking up on the wrong person. Is she gifted.....Yes. Did the reading she gave me resonate, Yes, but for another person and not the one I called about
Visions by Psychic Maria replied:Thank you for your honest review, I can assure and promise you hon that I was picking up on the person in question. Although I encourage you to follow your heart even if it means you learn a valuable lesson to listen when gifted psychics tell you what is really going on and what the truth is no matter how much you refuse to believe it. I will also encourage you to refrain from asking questions to anyone if you feel you know everything already as it is your own life. Thank you for the complement of saying that I am gifted, but obviously I am not in need of anyone's approval as I know that my spirits are never wrong and my readings are always accurate plus the confirmation and great feedback that thousand of people have given me from my readings and spiritual work. Hope you have a good one. Stay safe!