What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?An open honest conversation that will leave you feeling less alone. Come to me after you have grounded and focused on three questions , please do not ask the same questions over and over. Please be open and paitant with the process.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have lived a life of spiritual enlightenment... benefit from my 50 years of experience and blessings. Friend , family and often newly made aquatinces feel drawn to ask me for advice.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have know since I was a young girl... over the years I slowly cultivated my skills and my vision of the paths to inner peace and how to undo your gray aura
Describe your areas of expertise.Life and relationships family and romantic.... and Life skills I will give you better focus and help you see situations from a different perspective. So you can make educated choices on your path and not just follow your emotions.

The LIFE COACH hung up on me. I asked her about my cat, but she wouldn't clearly explain details. It was hard to understand what she meant. When I asked, she took a deep breath & hung up. I guess that's what you call a LIFE COACH!!
Your southern Life Coach replied:I am not a Psychic I am a life coach... I am an empathy I feel your pain and emotions ..I can't help with your cat