I AM BACK Clarify The True Meanings Of Your Dreams your Soul your Guides your God and solutions revealed
Greetings to You! Dreams are YOUR Personal Messengers! Over the years I have come to a new exciting understanding of Dream Interpretations because of what I saw about them. I enrolled into the only Accredited School of the Mind in the nation, and learned about our most intriguing fabulous Minds. I wanted Scientific Proof of what I was finding, and I got it. With my Psychic gifts, and with what I have learned, you will be amazed at your Dreams. I am quick and clear. Your mind is like your personal bio-computer. Mind and Spirit are powerful tools to your life. I can see how we mentally preceive all the information that we receive, and explain the mysteries of your Dream. This then explains the mind in the Dream State, and the messages from your higher self, your Guides/Angels, Christ/God, and what your belief system inspires. My skills of Visions, Knowing, Hearing, Feeling, Sensing, Smelling, combined with Color and Symbol meanings, will bring forth the Spiritually Magical meanings of Your Dreams! There is a nice little bonus to all of this, you will see how to decipher deeper meanings yourself. I will see a clearer understanding of why this Dream happened, and what it means specifically for you. Yes, I have also read a lot of Dream Interpretation books, but not all books direct in the right direction. With the confirmed effectiveness of my Gifts and Skills, I can easily interpret them quickly. So not only will I interpret your Dreams, I will , if you choose to do so, advise you how to accurately decipher what meanings are really there by explaining why our minds to what they do. With our busy worlds today, our minds can get cluttered with all we have to keep up on, and it makes it difficult to understand what our sub-conscious mind is formulating and presenting to us through our dreams.
What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?I am quick, and will not waste your time. I will give you a clear understanding of how your Dream can help you, and what the events in the Dream mean for you and your life. My Gifts always bring a much deeper understanding of your Dream, bringing you a sense of relief, and empowering you to move forward on your life's paths, in the directions you choose.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.Wonderfully, your Dreams may continue in a stream of messages over a period of time, and actually change as you make changes in your life. The experiences over the years have been amazing to witness. The most memorable experience is a woman I was helping. As she grasped the meanings of her Dreams and learned how to quickly decipher them, she began to grow spiritually so much, that she soon became aware of her own psychic skills and went on to become a wonderful caring psychic. She also grew in leaps in bounds mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so much, that she learned how to achieve her goals rather quickly. There have been several men and women who have opened to their gifts and witnessed themselves flourishing in life.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been aware of the ability to decipher questions you may have for 15 years. I have been developing the skills of psychc by using them all the time, and by attending various courses. I have a special ability for deciphering Dreams and reading psyhcic questions about Love, Abuse on any level, Soul Connections, Career, Healing And Clearing, Activating A Divine Connection in various ways, and most all general questions.
Describe your areas of expertise.I have found that people are cleared and energized when just doing a reading about other topics with me, as I connect to the Divine Source Of Love before I pick up your call.

March! Feel the Embers of higher expectations, ENJOY the good ways, and see the magic happen!

..Don't let the Noise, of other peoples Opinions, drown out Your Innner Voice...........Steve Jobs

..Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.. -Benjamin Franklin

2023! Let's ramp it all up, catch up, while gaining security, devotion, productivity, Love!