What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?You can always expect the truth and solutions. You can depend on me being there to support you and guide you. I will not sugarcoat and tell you only what you want to hear bc I care about your future. I tell you what I see, what I feel in my intuition, and what you need to know about the situations going on your life. We will get to the heart of matters and find the solutions.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.As a Life Coach, I deal a lot with relationships and financial issues. My client had been seeing someone on and off who was toxic and she knew it, she just could not let him go. Before looking into things for her I knew something was off and not honest about the situation. I could see that he was living a double life, cheating, and there was a baby in his life. Well, a few months later he told her he had been in another relationship the entire time and they had a baby on the way. She was devastated of course bc deep down she wanted to marry him and she still couldn't let him go.This was causing difficulties in several aspects of her life, especially emotionally and in her career! She knew I had a degree in psychology and sociology, so at this point she asked me to help her get past this and use all of my abilities and tools to help her. We pin pointed what the issues were, came up with step by step solutions, and she was finally able to focus on and love herself. This led her to finding a new and better career that was just right for her and her kids, and she even built a wonderful, healthy, and strong relationship with someone she had known from her past. I couldn't be happier for her and she's still doing great and free of that traumatic past event.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have always known I was different and I could feel other people's energies, it was very natural to me. I knew I had abilities others didn't. So, when I got a feeling from a person, I was never hesitant as a child to ask people why they were feeling a certain way and it always caught the adults off guard, but they would open up and share what was going on. They would always comment on how they couldn't believe they were having that kind of conversation with a child. I never stopped asking people questions and it really got me into psychology and sociology, which I eventually got a degree in those two areas. I also have just been drawn to people like me and we also just help each other go deeper and to learn more, so we can help others.
Describe your areas of expertise.I am an intuitive Life Coach with a degree in Psychology and Sociology. I guide people from all walks of life to find clarity, truth, and solutions in any area of their lives. With this, my clients have been able to get back on the right direction of their paths they and achieve the purpose in their lives with great success.

Lol she is super super slow....asks all prompting questions....repeats herself....plays every tactic to make sure to keep the clock ticking so that she will earn more money wow! what a trap? dont call her...if you see this review, just consider urself lucky...because she clearly is not a psychic who cares and gives predictions. she created this page to go around circles and fool weak minded people. Not me lady! get a meaningful job! uh- uh nice try though