What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?You can expect a great session with me, I love talking with my clients and taking my time with them. I love the art of conversation and listening to other people. I love when spirit speaks to me so I can help the other person. I have been helping people for a long time and it lightens my life to do so. I also am very warm hearted, motherly, non-judgmental, fun loving and a great listener. I also have been through a hell of a lot in my personal life so I understand quite a bit when people talk about deep dark pain and the struggles of life.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have used my abilities many times, I remember when my daughter who is now 15. When she was small she always had gerd which in another term is acid indigestion, I used to always have to rub her lower abdomen because she always was in pain and everytime I rubbed her abdomen the way that I personally did she said it would cause her to no longer have pain anymore and the acid indigestion would go away. I would be so happy and she would be so happy that she would stand up and smile. So, that is definitely one instance that stands out in the mind.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been aware of my personal abilities since I was four years old since I was a child. I was always different from the other children. The other kids used to pick on me constantly and always count me out as weird and a punk. I always would cry because I was a sweet and extremely sensitive child. But now I know why it was because I am a seer, I am a child of God that is gifted with sight and many other gifts. So, yes I knew way before most people that I was extremely gifted and yes I also had dreams that were very vivid and weird and I seen things when I was wide awake that no one else would see. It is amazing its like things are parallel universe. This is an amazing world.
Describe your areas of expertise.My areas of expertise are psychic ability, empathic ability, remote viewing ability, healing ability, clairvoyant, clairaudient and I am clairsentient. I had to research and understand what those terms meant and once I understood what those terms meant I researched on how to further use and understand my GOD given abilities.

she's a fake healer, she's babbles about veganism, about self-healing. affirmation. she's not a born healer like mention in her profile... not sure what she does... but not enlighten to assist.that's for sure.. rather lecture you to do affirmations and self healing.

I really love her insights, resonance with me, but for some reason we kept getting disconnected. thank you, appreciate your insights

I initially decided to call this psychic because she specifically listed on her profile that she would answer and help with medical issues. During the call she gave some specific and detailed solutions to my injury-related issue. Overall good call.
When You Are Not Feeling Well I Know What It Is replied:Thank you so much for the good review, as I stated during the call I am a real psychic. I use no tools. I speak directly w/spiri