Ask Mantha
20+ years of paranormal investigations and spiritual studies have given me a vast amount of insight and understanding of the metaphysical and paranormal. Activity can happen for many reasons. Contact me to help illuminate the ghosts in your closets!
What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?I listen without judgment. There's is nothing "too weird" in most of the energies and entities I've encountered and nothing "sounds crazy" when talking about Energy. Paranormal Activity can and will manifest in so many ways it is Always a unique experience.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have actively assisted with loved ones in their non-physical transitioning, after they have left their physical vessels, my Mother, cousin, and many friends. I have also released entities that were bound by others incarnated that were abusing them for their energy. My personal favorite, however, is bottling up a malicious energy and giving it a space to transform, or be released to Source.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been receiving spirit communications since I was 3 years old. That has lead me on a long and incredible path of exploration into the non-physical realms. I've spent over 40 years studying theology, mythology, various religions and spiritual practices and cosmic sciences. I have also been a part of many paranormal investigations. I'm that "weird" friend everyone calls when they are in a total state of "WTF?". My first goal is always to "debunk" with a physical explanation....if there is one... there often isn't.
Describe your areas of expertise.The Strange and Unusual, ghosts, conjured entities, "demons", "angels", orbs, apparitions, manifestations, All things Spiritual.
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