What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?I care deeply about your concerns and would be honored to take a psychic look into your present and upcoming journey through life. My gifts are God given so you will not hear any card meanings (wasting your time) because I do not know them. I am honest, sincere, compassionate and the entire time we are connected I will be giving you all of the information that comes to me as well as answering any questions you might think of. I usually pick up on the zodiac signs of people around you, influencing your life now, as well as people coming along in the future. Surprises are great but knowing is also a wonderful thing. Call me if you want to know everything coming up in your future.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I was a waitress at a golf course and a gentleman came in and asked if his mother-in-law could wait in the restaurant until his family finished their golf game. The temperature in the room dropped about 30 degrees. I asked her who passed over recently and she said her grandson. I let her know he was always around the family and he comes back as an owl. She confirmed that an owl has been in yard since he passed. The next day as I was leaving work the family came in and asked if I would connect for them. His mother was having trouble accepting that he was here any more. I replied that the lights flickering in the china cabinet and to TV volume going up and down were signals that he was there with her. I told her that he needs her to understand that HE was not his human body but the spirit within and the spirit is still very much alive and always with her. I gave her a few messages from him that only she knew and she realized that he really had to be here for me to have that information. To this day I connect with her and let her know how he is doing. A woman called the psychic line and said my dogs got out and I can't find them. I told her they were after a dog in heat. Her reply was "I've been there, it's 2 blocks away and no sign of my dogs." I said "They are 4 blocks away, the house is L shaped and the dogs are in the garage. The man intends to call you in the morning using the number on the collar" (she didn't tell me about the number). "The house is yellow with blue trim and if you drive around a 4 block radius the dogs will recognize your engine sound, bark and you will get them back." An hour later she called back and said everything was exactly as I described and she had her dogs back. The next week she calls back and says "I don't want you to think I'm a bad pet parent but my indoor cat got out and I t find him." I told her where to go, to call him, hear the meow, & walk home, leaving a scent for him to follow. He was home in minutes.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?As far back as I can remember I just knew things before they happened or what someone was going to say before they started to speak. It was not until I was in my 20's that I even heard the word Psychic. That person did a Tarot reading for me and said I was gifted and to buy a deck of cards. She said don't bother with card meanings or layout patterns just lay them out look at them and the information should flow to you. I bought the deck, got home, put it on the table and went to work. My sitter was sick and her daughter sat for me that night. When I got home she was looking at the cards. I decided to lay them out and see what I got. I picked up secrets she never shared with anyone, things about family members and made future predictions that came to fruition. That was over 40 years ago. I started paying attention to my abilities, and as I continuously tapped into them they got stronger and stronger. Any time I was introduced to someone new I would offer to read for them, after all practice makes you stronger no matter what you are doing. I now am Clairvoyant, Clairsentient and Clairaudient. I also get messages from the other side. I have studied the influences of crystals and stones with sun signs and how they impact your everyday life. I do have knowledge of candles and incense. While I was experiencing new gifts developing, I was lucky enough to attend a book signing of a famous psychic. As she was signing my book I bent down and asked her "Do we acquire new gifts as we get older," and she replied, "Yes, and much faster." She also said "Our current gifts get much stronger too." She sure was so right!
Describe your areas of expertise.Relationships: They are so complicated and I have fine tuned my ability to see what needs to be done to keep it on track. I'll find the answers to all your questions about the other person be it romantic, family or friendship. Career and Finance: If you are undecided about direction, making a change, or looking for a bigger salary, together we can look into all the options coming up in your path to find the one that will make it possible to achieve all your desired results. Astrology: The Sun signs of everyone have influence on the interactions between each other. I will help you understand what it will take to tweak things to find harmony with each individual. Crystals and Stones: Everything that comes from the earth has energy. The energies from each crystal or stone have specific purposes. They also have connections to the Sun Signs. I can assist you in finding which ones are best for your Sun sign and needs.

In the reading she told me he saw me as a best friend and his partner. When we spoke he told the same. Thank you so much for your reading