What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?Professional, passionate, considerate, nonjudgmental, sensitive to others, dedicated positive a loving, kind person willing to help
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.There was a young man that was in a very deep depression, over a relationship, and through my psychic and love guru, abilities, I was able to help him overcome Depression and reconnect with his lover There was also a woman who was divorced, and was looking for a soulmate, and through my love, guru abilities, and sensitive abilities to the psychic energies was able to identify when and where she would meet this person and they met and have been living happily married for the past 10 years There was also a couple that had been together for several years and had cheated on each other and going through hard times with trusting, and through my abilities were able to help them overcoming their trust issues and focus on the love and the connection they had for each other
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have had my abilities for 21 years psychic intuitive and empath abilities run in my family, and through intense meditation, opening up my third eye, chakra and developing my solar plexus chakra and working closely with other healers, were able to developed and fine-tune my abilities
Describe your areas of expertise.Love guru and psychic are my expertise it takes time and energy, understanding, passion patience and dedication to do what I do. I love to help people in their love lives because there’s sometimes in our lives where it’s hard for us to go through life when we don’t feel put together in our relationship life that is why I am so passionate about helping people.

I have a lingering connection to a man and she gave me great advice on how to move on from him, concerning cleansing certain chakras. I'm hoping this works.