Intuitive Readings by Melz Domino Diviner Pendulum Dowser Playing Card Reader Oracle Card Reader
*Please note: I do not do "inbox readings". I have been actively providing readings publicly for quite some time now. I am constantly working on the craft to improve my delivery. I have helped many people across social platforms to make positive decisions concerning their life problems. I have the gift of clairvoyance, clairaudience, empath, mediumship, pendulum dowser and claircognizance. I receive messages from spiritual guides and my ancestors and I rely solely on them before involving any tools:pendulum cartomancy oracle cards dominos. I will give both the good and bad and in-between, concerning your unique life situation. Spirit will show me what there is to know surrounding your table topic or issues. From there I am able to translate what I am being shown in picture format or images and give the message to you. By the end of your reading, I hope you’ll achieve clarity, personal realization and a focused state of mind after connecting with me. Allow me to offer spiritual guidance to assist you on your unique spiritual journey.
What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?A caller can expect to receive guidance that will promote the best outcome for their life moving forward. I will ask for your name as well as any other person's name that is involved in your concern. An opening question is also needed. This is how I connect. PLEASE refrain from "Tell me what you see". When it comes to "LOVE" interest type of questions or questions surround "LOVE" in general.... please try to refrain from "HOW does he/she feel". With a question, you will most likely know based off what I receive as a message for you with a specific question where I can just get straight to the meat. I prefer questions versus digging around to pull things for you as to not waste time. Minutes are precious. Let's get straight to meat! Ready when you are. *Note: PLEASE BE SPECIFIC with your question. I DO NOT DO tell me what you see... read above. I do not do dark reads/ readings on children/ soul mate/twin flame/ health readings or readings. Please do not ask.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have used my abilities to assist me personally with decision making. I have also used it with my close friends to assist them with questions surrounding career moves, love life and relocating.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been aware of my gifts since 2017. I have found that practicing as much as I can, has opened me up to more. Your clients help you to grow also by encouraging their feedback. I also take note from other intuitive coaches from online platforms.
Describe your areas of expertise.I believe I am a great starting point in terms of looking for a spiritual coach. I have assisted quite a few online with enhancing themselves by finding balance. So with that said, my expertise is tied to topics surrounding career/business and love and family.

Bad call
Intuitive Readings by Melz replied:Pls explain, as this is not your first time contacting me.

I wasn't going to leave a review, but then it took my 10 minute money when I only talked for about 3 minutes. I talk to hundreds of psychics. I asked about my twin, who is my divine partner and she said we would not be together. All weekend his name has been thrown in front of me, All weekend, I have seen numbers and all the other psychics say soon he will be back. He usually appears every 2 years, he is due. Just trying to get a time frame, but she said NOT at all.
Intuitive Readings by Melz replied:Hello there. You purchased a certain amount of time and YOU chose to end the call on your own terms before your time was up. You stated that you spoke to a lot of Psychics during our call and became silent when I obviously said something different. Each reader does not read exactly the same or see exactly the same. Also, energy does change as everyone has free will. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what is said, you still make a choice. I answered based on the energy given. For the record, just because someone returns, doesn't necessarily mean he/she is there to stay (which is evident, based on what you placed here..."every 2 years, he is due"). Blessings forward on your journey.