What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?when speaking with me you can expect a peaceful background straight forward and non judgmental answers when connecting with me I ask for names and dob in order to pick up on your current situation
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have used my abilities in many different areas in life I am a relationship consular along with being a empath I can pick up thru all aspects of life weather it be love career happiness success money problems pregnancy or family I am able to help you
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been aware of my abilities since I was 8 with over 10 years of professional experience I am a natural born gifted psychic I am a 7 generation psychic I've developed and perfectioned it thru prayer and meditation
Describe your areas of expertise.I specialize in love career happiness finances family marriage pregnancy third party removal love spells I am a light worker psychic so I am also a medium and can speak to people who have pasted on

Wow, great reading. She's all the comments have said: Fast, accurate, honest, tells it like it is. I'm just sorry I didn't have more cash to talk longer. I will definitely call again.