What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?When we connect, I zero in on your concern and take it from there to find out what your ultimate goal is and how to best get there in manageable and realistic steps.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have been helping clients on various online platforms for over 20 years, and although my work is primarily in intuitive coaching, I am here to assist you in getting yourself to the best possible space - emotionally, romantically, and as it relates to your life goals.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been aware of my gifts since birth and I have been working professionally with clients who are wanting to enhance their live, figure out a choice that best honors them and their life's direction, and in helping them to find a sense of confidence and direction that they may have been pushing aside due to their circumstances or limited beliefs of themselves. Sometimes you just need to hear the truth about the the things you are doing or not doing that are keeping you "stuck", and I am here to help you with that.
Describe your areas of expertise.I offer you the truth you need to hear, never rude or sharp - just clear and to the point, and I am here to help you make the best choice for yourself, to find a sense of clarity and direction, and to find a new sense of confidence. You are not alone, and you are not doomed to be burdened by your circumstances forever. You do have the power to change, and I am here to help you do so with honesty, tough love, encouragement and the support you need to get into gear.

He knows what he wasn't able to answer anything and all he did was contradict himself I don't understand why people give these psychics such a high rating and and I went off of this rating off the reviews and I was really disappointed because he was he really didn't say or do anything it was base your waste of money be when I asked him to explain itself all he did was contradict himself and confuse me so I just ended the call