What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?to better assist your doubts and fears. I can help you honestly and transparently. I have many years of successful experience and believe that everybody deserves to have their questions answered. No matter what the problem maybe, I believe I can help aid in your spiritual journey.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.someone came to me at one of my locations looking for help in a sperated marriage asking if it was the correct decisions in her path to finding her true soulmate and with a little guidence from the reading she came back to me thanking me for what i did in her life showing me that her and her true soulmate finnaly found eachother
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?i always new from a young age that i had these abilities to feel and connect to other peoples energys but after finding out that this gift passed on from my mother grandmother and so on.. at the age of 19 i began to help in the family business of leading and guiding and putting a little more clairity into that persons life
Describe your areas of expertise.i personally prefer helping people in the areas of love and self exaptence and showing them that no matter how bad the situation might seem that theres hope and a new opportunity to feel be at peace and find there way to truely live and not just exist

This young lady knows exactly what she's doing what she does is she gives you some important information that is that is truthful but then when she does she turns around and start asking leading questions and then all of a sudden she wants to leave you in a cliffhanger and want to get you and talk real slow and make the reading real slow but she cannot give you a answer to the most valuable question your answering she's a total waste of time she knows what she's doing she wants you to call her back before she can waste more time and won't answer it go around the circles and keep trying to ask you questions to waste your money and keep you calling her don't call her