Positive insightful Readings with Holy Spirit as Our Guide I am here to Help and see the Chances of something Happening
98.9% Accuracy with Calculated insights and 100%Real Advice for ..Past..Present ..Future I Read Numbers like Tarot Cards..you must see for yourself with Educated Answers...Lets have a Heart to Heart and see the Chances of something Happening. May Almighty Bless your situation through Truth.. Love and Light!Amen

What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?Blessings...Lets Focus on Solutions! May Our Holy Spirit continue to guide us All towards Clarity 💚 ~Available~Mon..Tues..& Wed.. Day & Graveyard Shift ( Only ) Asking Repeat questions will Always come back as false for 2 reasons 1 Emotions change and 2 when we divine our answers through Holy Spirit ...the Answer.. is the Answer and we do not have to fight with reality..remember We can always look for Positive Solutions..Amen🌹
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities....💚Ask About viewing The Love Scale💚 ...to know where your person is Romantically🌹 I spend most of my time through Study..Prayer and Meditation with Source of All Creation. to Understand more of what i do ..research Numerical Spiritual Teachings and connecting with Almighty through Metaphysics (-: You will receive Clear straight to the point Answers over ALL situations.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?Since before 11 years of age ... I have always felt impressions intuitively and seen things others can't see ...🌹 I Developed my God given gifts through Numerics.. reading Numbers like Advisors read Tarot Cards..numbers just help me paint the Full Picture so seekers receive Clear insight. Let’s have a Lovely Chat ..All Psychic Energy Flows Best Through Conversation(-: ..Text 4 log on request..
Describe your areas of expertise.I'm a Highly Sensitive Empathic Clairsentient ...So Vibes and Numbers is my area of work🌹 Cosmic4Numerology ( Similar to Tarot card system) Detailed Yes/No Question and Answers...i am able to see Past..Present..Future...All you have to do is Be Creative when picking Numbers...that's it!🌹 Clair-sentient ( I am able to tune in quickly and precisely to the energies around you including Places...Picking up the Emotions of Anyone) 🌹

straight to the point answered my questions with ease, gave wonderful advice thank you
Psychic Advisor Chad replied:May Holy Spirit continue Blessing Every area of your Life.. Remember Source of All Creation is The Truth ... The Way and The Light ...Amen !!!

very honest I would recommend.to everyone
Psychic Advisor Chad replied:May Holy Spirit continue guiding you towards Blessings.. Truth .. Love and Light... Remember We do not have to waste our time with Anything that is not for us and sent by Source of All Creation ..Amen!

I have contacted others on this sight and it was not the truth. Chad gave the straight answers I needed to move on from a situation.
Psychic Advisor Chad replied:All Glory be to Holy Spirit of All Creation ... May Source continue guiding you towards Truth in Every area of Life..Amen🌹

Attention!!!💚 so the system has been logging me in for weekends...Please Note..i never work weekends starting thurs..Fri..Sat

Blessings...Write me anytime for Divine Prayer and Speaking 🌹 insight. I read Numbers to see Past..Present..Future💚

To Experience Love is to be more Loving and Surround yourself with Empathetic individuals..Let Go and Let God..Amen !!!

May The Holy Spirit of ALL Creation ..Guide my HIGHER SELF..crown chakra..INSIGHT..3rd eye.. and INTUITION..Soul Sensing..Amen!