Insight, Clarity, and Truth are the keys to it all ?lets take a look shall we bc you did not find me by chance
I'm an intuitive tarot reader, an ability that has been passed down in my family for several generations. I was introduced to the tarot over 20 years ago. I always loved the sky and astrology.It always reminds me that the universe is so big and possibilities are infinite. I have found that combining tarot cards and astrology go hand in hand. Especially, during times when I just did not know what to do. Since I was little I knew I was different and I had abilities others did not have. I can remember being guided in supernatural ways and I always knew and felt when something major was about to happen, a "6th sense" I still have and have always embraced. The gifts and tools I've been given, I use to help others. Let me know how I can help you.

What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?I don't sugarcoat things or tell people only what they want to hear. My clients can depend on me to help guide them with any situation life brings their way and to be there for them through thick and thin.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.When I was 8yrs old my parents took my siblings and I to the beach. While we were there this horrible feeling came over me and it was getting worse. I started crying and begged my parents to take me home bc I could feel something bad was happening. We went home and when we got there we had a message from my aunt saying my grandfather had been life flown to a major hospital and the doctors did not know how he was still alive. Thankfully, he was home a week later and lived several more happy years. Things like that have always happened to me. My former client used to come to me for readings, always about love. One day the cards showed that she was dating one man to make her ex husband jealous and she would go back. She looked shocked and turned white. I did not hear from her for about a week. When she contacted me a week later she said it was so funny what my cards said bc she had not told anyone that and her and her ex were moving back in together. That made me smile.
Describe your areas of expertise.I have a passion for helping others find the truth they are seeking, insight, and clarity to any issue at hand. I also have a background in psychology and sociology, so I have always been great at giving advice and giving insight to people's situations and questions.

2020-11-26 04:22:06 You feel the energy building? Are you ready for what’s going to happen between now and New Years? Ast

Audio stories coming soon! Astrological updates and much much more! Sending you much love, light, and many blessings always!

I'm running a special on my phone rates this weekend!! I look forward 2 talking to you and helping you with questions / concerns

Energy changes, thoughts change. Thoughts change, actions change. When actions change outcomes change. It's nonstop.