Uncover support with inclusive readings connected to your LGBTQ experience and unlock guidance and clarity within
Merry meet to all. My name is Navi. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I would like to welcome you to a safe and supportive space where your true self is honored and celebrated. With over 6 years of experience, I specialize in providing empathic Tarot and Oracle readings tailored to the unique experiences of the LGBTQ community. Using the voices of the cards, Intuition, Psychology, and collective life & learning experiences (from myself and the community as a whole), I'm able to give you as insightful and as layered of a reading as possible. Whether you're seeking hidden truth, discover your potential, or navigate any of life's challenges, I'm here to offer insightful guidance and compassion. I am open to any topic you bring me (excluding explicit legal, medical, and financial advice), but if one is not presented I will be happy to carry the voices of the cards to you instead so that you may hear their message.

What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?My reading style is open, intuitive, and compassionate, with a special focus on the experiences of the LGBTQ community. I encourage you to share whatever information you feel comfortable with, reassuring you that our space is safe, inclusive, and free of judgment. Your identity and experiences are respected and valued here, as they should be everywhere else. My goal is to help you find ways to make change in your situation, whether they may be external or internal. As long as you can leave feeling lighter, more confident, and capable, I'll know it was a successful reading. When we start our conversation, please provide me with your preferred name, your date of birth, and your topic/question of choice. If you are more comfortable with a username, you are free to use that as long as it is one you chose yourself. If possible, please start with one focused question. As our session flows, you can ask follow up questions related to the topic at hand. This allows me to provide your reading my undivided spiritual attention.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I was able to help a client realize that it was okay for her to have romantic feelings for a female friend, even when she never felt that way towards another woman before. With encouragement, she got to express her feelings successfully, and they'd been together ever since. I also helped one of my clients realize that they didn't have to stick with their homophobic friends, even if they'd known each other for years. In seeing how their friends made hurtful remarks against others in the LGBT community without knowing they were a part of it too, they realized that they didn't deserve to surround themselves with that every day. They've since parted ways, and my client very soon found friends both in and out of the LGBT community that were able to respect them and each other as real people.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I've had some form of psychic ability when I was a child, able to connect empathically with others almost instantaneously and read their dreams. Over time as my own mental health wavered and I questioned my own sexuality, I started to incorporate the study of Psychology into my field of knowledge until it became a plane on its own. After going through a major life change of my own, I picked up the Tarot as a means to connect with the part of myself that got lost, and I hadn't put it down since. In this, I'd been discovering forms of connection and inclusivity that I'd never experienced before, with the LGBT community, Tarot community, and even within the start of my witchcraft journey. I've been studying, doing readings, making small-scale predictions, and just learning non-stop in order to enhance my ability. The next level is just soon to come, and I hope it is something we can share together.
Describe your areas of expertise.Topics I cover (with LGBTQ focus) include: General Advice/Guidance, Love and Relationships, Friendships/Family Dynamics, Career & Finance, and Personal Growth & Spirituality. I specialize in people, human behavior, and psychology, especially how they tie in to you as an LGBTQ individual. That means questions like "What Can I Do?," "What Should I Do?", and "How Do I Do It?" I focus on uncovering and changing your mindset, thoughts, actions, behaviors, words, and everything within your control.
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