What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?I always ensure to never sugar-coat to my customers. My ambitions is to provide you with the guidance, accuracy, and clarity you need to get to where you want to be- either in your relationship, career, family, love, or even your own spiritual journey!
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I’ve studied the capabilities of energy work and how connecting to different spirits and people may affect what I'm feeling/seeing. If supplied with the first name and date of birth, I can connect to what your POI is feeling/experiencing. What’s been on their mind, and more importantly- what the next steps are to get you to where you’d like to be. I, myself, am clairsentient, meaning that at times I may get an overwhelming feeling or urge to say something that, in the moment, may not make sense, but will in time.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?With over 10 years as a licensed and certified advisor and and 15 years providing solutions to struggling couples, I have an extensive knowledge of the needs and wants of couples in transition. My specialty is working with couples looking for authentic connection with their partner. A student of spirituality, astrology, self-improvement & psychology, I am well equipped to help you understand how to transform or attain the level of relationship you want and deserve. I will tell you what's going on in the mind of anyone you want to know. I read people very well and can anticipate their actions, sometimes before they know what they're going to do!
Describe your areas of expertise.Majority I connect to people; what they're feeling/experiencing. I am an expert tarot reader, and am a certified and licensed psychic.

She surprised me! I wasn't expecting much but when we got to the person of interest she was on point it his feelings and actions. The job I would like to see this play out and how it would work.
LOVE AND LIFE ANSWERS replied:Thank you so much I truly enjoyed our reading together!

Very good reader and detailed. She is also blunt but very nice.
LOVE AND LIFE ANSWERS replied:Thank you so much. I really enjoyed our reading!