What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?You can expect a no nonsense straightforward reading with me. I care about the people I read for, I don’t sugarcoat my readings but I also don’t lack compassion and understanding because of my psychic abilities. With the help of my spirit guides I have great problem solving skills. By calling me you will get the advice and results you are looking for
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I’ve helped mend relationships. I’ve helped people find there soulmates and twin flames I’ve helped people on there life’s path and guiding them into the right direction I’ve helped many find new jobs become successful and happy. I’ve also helped with major life issues such as divorce, marriage, death and avoiding danger.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I’ve had my psychic ability for as long as I can remember at a very young age I was able to see and understand things spiritually and at the age of 12 I fully understanding I began to move forward at the age of 17 I started working professionally loving my gift and pursuing my career
Describe your areas of expertise.Love, soulmates, twin flames,sex, relationships friendship, family, reuniting loved ones, dating, luck money, success, business, education, gambling, bankruptcy, karma, tarot, astrology, palmistry, magic, spells, meditation, dream interpretation, protection, past lives.

The most amazing reading I've had, she is spot on accurate and the sweetest person to talk to.