What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?A caller can expect to receive guidance that will promote the best outcome for their life moving forward. I will ask for your name as well as any other person's name that is involved in your concern. An opening question is also needed. This is how I connect. PLEASE refrain from "Tell me what you see". When it comes to "LOVE" interest type of questions or questions surround "LOVE" in general.... please try to refrain from "HOW does he/she feel". With a question, you will most likely know based off what I receive as a message for you with a specific question where I can just get straight to the meat. I prefer questions versus digging around to pull things for you as to not waste time. Minutes are precious. Let's get straight to meat! Ready when you are. *Note: PLEASE BE SPECIFIC with your question. I DO NOT DO tell me what you see... read above. I do not do dark reads/ readings on children/ soul mate/twin flame/ health readings or readings. Please do not ask.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have used my abilities to assist me personally with decision making. I have also used it with my close friends to assist them with questions surrounding career moves, love life and relocating.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been aware of my gifts since 2017. I have found that practicing as much as I can, has opened me up to more. Your clients help you to grow also by encouraging their feedback. I also take note from other intuitive coaches from online platforms.
Describe your areas of expertise.I believe I am a great starting point in terms of looking for a spiritual coach. I have assisted quite a few online with enhancing themselves by finding balance. So with that said, my expertise is tied to topics surrounding career/business and love and family.

She was a great reader and grateful to have came in contact with her. She is accurate and will explain in details if you don't understand something she has mentioned. I attempted to reach back out to her but she has me blocked for some reason. She is accurate and knowledgeable! Give her a try!!!